I Crawl!!

This was last Sunday morning before we headed to church! It was blue day for us downings! :) So...Forrest has been army crawling on his belly for a few months now, and when he wanted to, hed get up and crawl for real. Well, this week, he finally discovered that its actually EASIER to get up and crawl then drag your self everywhere.. So, needless to say, hes a crawling machine! :)

Bub's first haircut!

Well.. just moments ago I gave Forrest his first haircut!! He was growing a serious mullet. Thankfully, I didnt have to cut too much, and only in the back. The images arent the best.. he was hungry and tired, therefore not very excited about the whole ordeal. I did good, I didnt cry!!! :) I cant believe my little man is growing so fast.. 10 days from now he will be 10 months. I love you Forrest. You are SO sweet!

Smiles all day!

This is not the best photo, but his outfit was ADORABLE! :)

My boy.. he sure is happy.. he smiles ALL day long. here he is with his current favorite toy!

Such a personality...

Here are some pictures from the last few weeks! This is at the Tulsa State Fair... we LOVE the fair.

Nanny & Papa with Forrest.. looking at mom's pictures..


My handsome boys!

His face is priceless! It was cold!! This is his Uncle Sky & Aunt Dani at the mercy me concert!

Man, This boy has got such a energetic and fun personality!! All the time he wants to play, sing, scream, jump, or run!! Such a ball of joy. He is loving living, I tell ya what!!

This is hilarious. I didnt realize the video would be sideways, but who cares.. it was too funny not to show ya.

Last night Forrest got a new toy.. Thank you fisher price! Soo fun!

A video for daddy!

Okay, is he not just adorable??? Looks just like his daddy!
Forrest has been talking about his daddy since he woke up this morning!! He misses him while hes at work! Today, he has mastered clapping and is perfecting his wave! Both were caught on this adorable video he was making for daddy! I love you bubby, you are precious! p.s. Like the socks and onesie only? Yea, we havent got the pants on yet.

These last few days...

The last few days have been wonderful! Shane & I have been together practically non-stop and Forrest is LOVING having us both around a lot. Weve been shopping, to the fair, to some friends, to football games, all kinds of fun stuff the last few days! Forrest is such a good boy, Such a joy to tote around!
Here is Forrest first time on a slide!! Whoooo. He liked it! :)

Tonight we spent the evening at the Bloms with some friends! Lots of fun! Forrest was wearing his orange! Here is was rolling around with some wax paper! making lots of noise!!

Yesterday we took Forrest to his first fair! He LOVED it! He even got some cheese from Mom's cheese on a stick! This was at the petting zoo. He thought all those animals were too cool!

He loved being toted around by Daddy.. This video is hilarious. He made his motor boat sound the whole time we were there!

He's Mobile!!

Forrest has officially started pulling up on EVERYTHING. He's extremely close to being crawling on all fours instead of his army crawl. Babyproofing is in action!!